We opened our doors at DeFalco’s in June 1971.  Winemaking was in the middle of a craze that was sweeping over the country.  Even Sears offered a few winemaking goodies!  We also sold malt extract, grains, hops, brewing yeast, caps & cappers, etc.  But, these weren’t for making beer!  Oh, no!  Homebrewing was illegal in the United States at that time, so we were merely offering supplies for making “sparkling barley wine.” Ah, yes!  Winemaking was legal! ;-)  Federal laws weren’t relaxed until 1979 and Texas didn’t see fit to legalize our favorite hobby until 1983.  Then, we started offering everything you need to actually make beer at home.  What a concept!  (BTW Mississippi & Alabama became the last two states to legalize homebrewing in 2013!).  It’s great to be legit!  The array of ingredients and equipment available to the 21st Century homebrewer is staggering!  Of course, we still offer malt extract, grains, hops, brewing yeast, caps & cappers just like 1971, but the selection has exploded.  And, the number of brewing toys is absolutely mind-boggling.  Look through the brewing goodies.  We feel confident you’ll be able to find whatever you want.  If not, give us a call or drop us and email, and we’ll see if we can’t dig it up for you!

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